This summer, I left; left from my job, left from my life, and left for Europe.
Before leaving, I decided to make some handicrafts, sending them to strangers I met during the trip. My wish is to let my works be known all over the world, so why not start now...spread my works all around the world?
I didn't know what to make, no idea in my mind. However, an image of a leaf showed in my head one day, so I decided to turn it into reality...that's how I chose leaves as my presentation for this trip.
In the end, I didn't send all the leaves out, but indeed I met some interesting people.

The leaves are sent as gifts for gratitude. I walked 2 hours trying to reach the bridge shown in Van Gogh's painting from Arles town center. When I finally got there and took pictures...I have know idea how I can hold on and walk back. Luckily, I met this family, and they were willing to give me a ride back. God bless kind Taiwanese~

Although I may not meet those people again, my gifts have already symbolized each encounter.
Since there are still some leaves yet, the spread will go on~maybe you are the next person receiving this gift :)