
ACIL Keys & Codes in the reality

I've been taking the class of "A Course In Light" for years. One level led to another, I was in 7th planetary level, which I had never expected that I could reach.

The main topic of planetary 7 is keys and codes, which will be imprinted in our soul and will be activated one day when the time is right.

I love symbols, especially those with metaphor in it, and I always love to visualize things in my mind. So...why not make these "keys & codes" images into reality? That way I don't have to imagine what they are like anymore.

That's how the idea was born.

The idea was easy, but the process wasn't. I spent a weekend to picture the concept of each image and it's basic materials. However, it's not that simple to turn concepts into reality.

Some of the keys & codes are plain to design, like LOTUS and EYE; I can almost see how they are like the moment I decided how to make them.

But this was not the case for FACES and FLAME; true, I had a rough idea how to present them, but the output is just not what I expect. To make human face by origami is usual, but to make human profile by origami is insane. I tried many times to fold the eye, the nose, the mouth, but it end up with a mess, just lots of folding lines mixing together. And the FLAME is even harder, I mean...how to you make insubstantial flame out of a piece of tangible paper?

Of course, I figured them all out in the end, and hence accomplish the twelve pieces of work.

LOTUS was the first (for sure, since I fancy lotus), and CORNUCOPIA was the last (because I had to make the fruits from paper clay and color them), so you can also say it's from oneness (the meaning of LOTUS) to fruition (the meaning of CORNUCOPIA).

The twelve symbols are related to 12 chakras represented by 12 colors of light, also the main color of each work.

Here I array the "keys & codes in reality" by the bodies they correspond to; from top to bottom: Rational Body, Emotional/Perceptional Body, and Physical Body (the bottom 2 arrays).

Let's put an end to my study in ACIL planetary 7.