People know that I love to make handicrafts, but they probably don't know that I have started to make handicraft since I was ten. We had some choices of after-class in our primary school, and I had chosen paper craft club since I loved to play with papers.
I can still remember how amazed I was when I cut the Chinese character "春" with out of just one piece of paper for the first time. After that, I had learned how to make lots of paper crafts from the class. In the mean time, I had learned how to make a lucky bracelet from thread weaving and bead threading, and almost since then, I've known handicraft making would be my hobby for life.

Years passed by, I had learned more and more skills from the books and the clubs in the school, and I had been the leader of DIY club when I was in university. Then, I decided that I didn't want to play by the book (literally) anymore.
I quit making handicraft for a while, but there was a yearning inside me for making handicrafts. I found out that when I was down, making handicrafts could always cheer me up and make me feel content, and that was when I started to really recognize handicraft making as my passion for life.

I was too afraid to follow this passion till now. I have a opportunity to reset my life path, and I want to give handicraft a shot. Hence, I'd spent a whole week to make this questionnaire, inspired by my volunteering job for the Brighton & Hove city council and my young friend Temmy, to gather people's opinions and comments about my works.
The result may be brutal, but this will be my first step to approach my dream - my handicrafts being appreciated by people and really valuable.

Here is the
link of the questionnaire; I won't close it in the foresee future, so you're welcome to check this questionnaire anytime and drop some words regarding to my handicrafts. I truly hope this questionnaire can let me to know my handicrafts more from different perspectives, and help me evaluate my next step.
But anyway, I will keep making and posting more handicrafts; that's for sure :)