Yesterday was the Christmas day; the sun finally showed and it was a good day for going out. However I chose to sit in front of my desk and made lots of paper butterflies.
The idea came from three days ago (last Friday), when I went to a school to read (actually acted) a story to first-grade children. The story was about an animal in the forest, who had a bad mood. Thus my pals and I decided to impersonate an animal each, and asked the kids to do the same.
My first choice was bunny, which was always the animal on top of my head when being asked to pick one.
The activity was a huge success. The kids loved me, and loved my origami butterfly as well. Actually I even made some extra butterflies for the kids in the end that day.
I couldn't forget how much fun it was to fold those butterflies for the kids, which stirred up the idea that why not finding out all the different ways to make butterfly origami, and really folding them out just like different butterfly species?